Birthday Art Challenge 2023 - Emoji Mashup


The Short Story: Draw your own version of emojis! (but no AI!)

The Long Story: I'm irreversibly an adult now, and I have all of the things that I need, most of the things that I want, and too many things that fall into neither category. So for my last 13 birthdays I've asked people to draw me things as a birthday present.

So if you’re the sort of person who:
- might send me a card and you think this is a nice idea, or
- wouldn’t send me a card but this sounds like fun, or
- who doesn’t know me but likes to draw things…

… then draw a picture! It’ll be fun for you and enjoyable for me (and everyone else), and super cheap. I've set a theme each year, and this year the theme is:

The When: Mid June! I know, this is super close! (Sorry, busy month). That's why this year's theme is something that can be done in a minute or two if you want to.

The What: Emoji Mashups 
Draw an emoji mashup, or an emoji you think should exist but doesn't, or just your take on a classic. And as always, drawings on previous themes - or indeed any cool theme - are also appreciated, so a laugh-cry emoji octopus or a poo emoji miniature stegosaurus would be perfect).
The Don't:
No AI art, please! The purpose of this is to have fun with art, not to stand over the mechanical art drone with a whip. If you don't want to do the art yourself, you can just not do it! It's okay, I wont be angry! I know you've got a busy life.
The How:
If you saw this on some kind of social media, you can either DM me on that, or email your drawing to

For inspiration here are links to the last 12 galleries:

2010: Dinosaurs and Cephalopods in Formal Wear:

2011: DANCE-BOT 5000:

2012: Monsters in their Dotage:

2013: Party Bugs!:

2014: A Hitchhiking Birthday:

2015: Super-Dinos!:

2016: Things with Faces:

2017: Tiny-o-saurs:

2018: Eurosaurs:

2019: Magic Robots:

2020: Monsters vs Covid:

2021: Babysaurs and Babybots:
2022: Babysaurs and Babybots:
2023: Jurassic Five-Oh / ACAR (All Coppers Are Robots):

Notes: I'm pretty happy on my birthday, so if you can read this you should not feel obliged in any way - just if you feel like it and think you'd enjoy drawing something emoji-related, I'd be delighted to see the results! Don't feel that artistic skill is necessary - I'm terrible at drawing myself, and also don't feel you need to know me: I've had some excellent pictures from people I've never met. (and if you do know me, feel free to share this with people who don't but who might enjoy it). Reminder: The stakes are zero, so no worries!


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